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Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society
HomeJoin KHQS
KHQS membership year is July 1 thru June 30.  New members who join from June 1 through June 30 will have their membership extended through the new membership year. You will also have the opportunity to join the Kentucky Heritage Applique Society (KHAS) and Quilt Artists of Kentucky (QAK) for an addition $5 each in Step 6.  For additional information regarding these two affiliate guilds, click on the above tabs.  

Individual Membership Fee:  $20 annually

Individual Membership is available for quilters and quilt enthusiasts over the age of 18.  If you are a former KHQS member, regardless of the time lapsed click the renew option and use your original login to renew.  If you don't recall your login, contact


• Year-round educational workshops for quilters of all skill levels that offer an opportunity to learn from fellow KHQS members and national/international instructors in person and online.
• Access to the quilting resources available through the KHQS website and monthly electronic newsletter.
• Access to all KHQS activities: workshops, challenges, contests, and mystery projects.
• Opportunity to support the preservation of quilt and quilter history in Kentucky. 

Business Membership Fee:  $100 annually

Business membership is available to businesses that support quilting and quilt makers.  


*Year-round advertising on the KHQS membership website including a dedicated page for your business.

*Advertising in the monthly newsletter.
*A business spotlight on our KHQS social media at least once each year.
*Business Partners are acknowledged at all KHQS events. 
*An individual membership (valued at $20) for one member of your organization is included.

Guild/Group Membership: $15.00 annually

This is for a Guild/Group to be a member. 


  • Each Member Guild may request a $100 reimbursement for using a KHQS certified instructor at one of your meetings or events. This will be available every 4 years based on your last request.
  • Each Member Guild is eligible to apply for and receive one fifty-dollar ($50.00) allowance per year to be used at its discretion for prizes (awards, door prizes, etc.) at a local quilt show, or to host a Quilters Day out.
  • Member Guilds may receive a dedicated page on the KHQS website visible to the public.
  • Member Guilds may contribute to the monthly newsletter.