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HomeKHQS Quilt Registry

Welcome to the Kentucky Historical Quilt Registry

Please enjoy looking through our registry!
Kentucky Historical Quilt Registry
Please read the information below.

One important purpose of the Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society is to support and expand the collection and preservation of Kentucky quilts and the records of Kentucky quilt makers and their work. This goal is being accomplished through the efforts of the KHQS program entitled "Host A Quilt Registry" and the cooperation of the University Libraries at Western Kentucky University. Registry participants have the opportunity to learn quilt history and view antique quilts.  If you would like to host a registry in your County, please email:

The Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society has recently completed putting all registry records into a new database that can be viewed on this website. When viewing the registry you can leave all search values blank and search the entire data base or you can enter various information to narrow your search. 

If you have the Kentucky ID No.  please note that the format of this number has become consistent across all past registries:

3 digit county code.4 digit participant code.2 digit quilt number
Eg: xxx.xxxx.xx
Any other characters except numbers and dots will result in no search items.

A duplicate set of records is housed in the Manuscripts division of the Department of Library Special Collections at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Kentucky. For information about the paper records, call 270 745-6434.