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Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society
HomeQAK General Information


Quilt Artists of Kentucky


The Quilt Artists of Kentucky was formed in 2003 as an auxiliary of the Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society. Membership in QAK is limited to current or new members of the Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society. Membership dues to join the Quilt Artists of Kentucky are $5 per year in addition to KHQS membership dues.

The group’s purpose is to serve as a support and information group for those interested in innovative quilt-making techniques and the quilt as an art form; to provide exhibition opportunities; and to provide education to the general public about the art of the quilt.  Our goal is to inspire  and encourage each other in our own unique amazing gifts and perspectives.  All levels are welcome here from beginner to world famous.  


Also please join our Facebook group (Quilt Artists of Kentucky (QAK).

 Our current challenge that will be displayed at GETAWAY 2025 is

Name That Tune  

See the QAK Challenges tab to view the  details.  



If you have any questions please contact QAK coordinator 
Lora Peppers at